The Best Part of Being a Potty Trainer 1

potty training relief boat

If you had told me 5 years ago, pre-baby, that soon I would start a business helping other moms with potty training, I would have laughed so hard you probably wouldn’t be able to get another word in. Let’s just say that potty training was *nowhere* on my radar. Of course, your whole life changes when you have a baby, and you quickly learn entirely new sets of skills that you never knew you were capable of, skills that didn’t seem important in your previous life. Little did I know that potty training would be one of those skills for me.

Unexpected as it may be, I find coaching parents through potty training to be SO enjoyable. Of course, I have a natural propensity for teaching and helping people, and this work fits both of those bills. More than the other kinds of teaching I do, though, there is one feeling that stands out when I help parents with potty training, and I can sum it up in one word: RELIEF. Providing this - *feeling* it radiating from my clients – is the single best part of my work as a potty trainer.

When I receive emails from prospective clients or when a client first posts in my online potty forum, I can often “hear” the anxiety in the words that they write. This reflects the fact that potty training today is HARD. It can feel lonely and isolating. You might be starting earlier than other parents in your network. You might have waited too long. The second things aren’t perfect, it is easy to feel judged. With all of the conflicting info out there on the web and in parents’ groups, it can be downright confusing.

Being the stable, steady rudder to guide parents through the depths of potty training – THIS is the essence of my work, and what provides that relief for my clients. As one of my clients recently told me, “It’s kinda amazing that we have gone from ‘OMG she is NOT getting this and I am freaking out and there’s pee everywhere’ to ‘I love you potty!’ (giving it a big hug) in the span of one week!” THIS is the kind of relief I can provide. Whether you’ve got a big hot mess on your hands, or you just don’t know if you’re making progress or not, navigating the path forward can be tough. I am here to guide you through those rough waters and provide your potty training relief!

Image courtesy of foto76 at


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